
Networking & Events - Plans the organization’s quarterly signature events and supports other events and programs to promote strong and diverse connections across the organization

Professional Development - Coordinates professional development opportunities to build individual capacity and enhance the workforce throughout the healthcare industry

Community Impact - Engages in community collaborations, plans volunteer opportunities, and advocates for health policies that positively impact health and healthcare in Hawai‘i

Membership - Focuses on membership value to boost member recruitment and retention, plans quarterly pau hana events, and facilitates annual membership survey

Marketing & Communications - Utilizes all communication channels—word of mouth, print, web, and social media—to positively promote the organization and effectively communicate with members

Governance, Operations, Finance - Develops organizational and operational systems, heads fund development and fiscal management, conducts the elections process, and fulfills regulatory requirements

About HYHP

Hawai'i Young Healthcare Professionals (HYHP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that connects emerging professionals from all areas of health to build strong cross-sector relationships, develop personal and professional capacity, and positively impact our communities for a healthier, happier future.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 2711

Honolulu, HI 96813

© 2020 Hawai'i Young Healthcare Professionals
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software